Fall Baseball Academy FAQs
Q: What is the cost for the academy?
A: The cost to register for the academy is $350; this includes two practices per week, one fitness session, and at least one game and will run for 10 weeks starting August 29.
Q: Do all academy players participate on tournament teams?
A: No. Players will be invited to participate on the tournament teams based on skill and availability.
Q: What is the practice format?
A: Each participant will have the opportunity to participate in two, 2-hour practices per week which will be instructed by paid coaches who are either current college players or recently graduated college players. The practices will be divided by age groups.
Q: What about games?
A: Every Saturday, all participants will have the opportunity to play in at least one game against other academy members. The games will be coached by current PABR coaches and will run like real games (umpires, uniforms, score kept, etc.). Additionaly, there may be opportunities to team up with other academy members to play teams from surrounding cities and possibly compete in local weekend tournaments.
Q: What ages are eligible?
A: The fall academy is open to all players who were 2016 baseball ages 12, 13, 14, or 15.
Q: If my son is playing another fall sport (high school or otherwise), can he/she participate in the fall academy?
A: Yes, given the schedule details outlined above, we want to make this available to a wide range of schedule availability; some may wish to participate in every single game, practice, clinic, etc., while others may choose to do the baseball academy as a part-time endeavor.